The Technology Alliance Upper Franconia (TAO) has set itself a major goal for the coming year 2023 by organizing a joint health year. The joint project of the TAO community, consisting of the universities of Coburg and Hof as well as the universities in Bamberg and Bayreuth, has now been successfully launched with a kick-off event. Beforehand, numerous participants had been identified at the participating educational institutions who would like to actively contribute to the success of the TAO Year of Health. The task now is to network the offerings as attractively as possible.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, President of Hof University of Applied Sciences, opened the cluster conference and welcomed the numerous participants who had come to the Hof campus for it. As a goal of the coming theme year, the participants stated that Upper Franconia and its health offerings should be presented to as broad a public as possible. The head of the TAO office in Bayreuth, Anja Chales de Beaulieu, agreed and added
We want to make it very clear to the general public how much specialist health expertise there is in the Upper Franconia region.”
Anja Chales de Beaulieu, Head of TAO Office
The Vice President of Teaching at Hof University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff, then gave a presentation on the planned course of the theme year and described the participating universities and colleges and their teaching focuses in the field of health. In addition, an agreement was reached on the joint planning of events and on the thematic clusters to be addressed. Clusters for digital health applications, psychology and well-being, nutrition and one or two other topic clusters are planned.
The participants then had the opportunity to select a cluster that suited them and to attend a corresponding workshop afterwards. In each individual workshop, personal goals, further project ideas and next steps were then developed. The different workshops were supervised by Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmola, Prof. Dr. Oliver Schuster, Prof. Dr. Matthias Drossel, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff and Simon Steudtel as moderators.
The project team “TAO Health Year 2023” will now next revise the thematic clusters, assign those responsible and clarify how roles and tasks can be distributed in the future in order to be able to develop further events. After that, the theme year of health will be publicized to a broad public.
The project team:
- Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff, Scientific Director
- Sandra Köhle, event coordination
- Simon Steudtel, project coordination