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Culinary team building: Hof University practices baking!

A group of 19 people from administration, science and teaching recently took part in an event of a kind that is not quite usual – at least for a university. Through the mediation of Chancellor Ute Coenen, they had the opportunity to refresh their own knowledge of the art of baking on the premises of the specialist wholesaler Leonhardt & Saalfrank in Döhlau.

The Hof University team around Chancellor Ute Coenen (9th from right) and the hosts from “Leonhardt & Saalfrank”; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

On site, after a friendly welcome by Managing Director Kerstin Saalfrank, the participants were first introduced to the topic by a video about the family business, which has been in existence since 1924 and today supplies a large number of bakeries, confectioneries and ice cream parlors. But then the motto was, “Bake it yourself!”

Equipped with T-shirts and chic baking aprons, the group got down to business: everyone was able to make their own bread and a yeast plait during the next hour. Fortunately, all the amateur bakers were supported by two competent helpers: On the one hand by Norbert Fischer from the company “Leonhardt & Saalfrank” and on the other hand by Thomas Weber, who works as a scientific employee and research consultant at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys), but is originally a trained baker himself. The tasty products of the day were correspondingly positive and successful, and everyone was of course allowed to take them home.

Delicious and healthy – the homemade breads of the day; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The wealth of information about the high-quality products and baking with sourdough and yeast dough turned out to be particularly worth knowing – and the tips on kneading and shaping the dough also went down very well with the participants.

Chancellor Ute Coenen presented the hosts with a gift basket as a thank you and drew an all-round positive conclusion:

“It was a wonderful and successful event in a great location in a good atmosphere and with wonderful hosts!”

Ute Coenen, Chancellor Hof University of Applied Sciences

At the end of the event, the university team was invited by Leonhard & Saalfrank to enjoy a scoop of ice cream from their own production.

Rainer Krauß

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