You will soon be able to experience the diversity and magic of Latin American culture at Hof University of Applied Sciences: The university’s International Office cordially invites you to a special cultural evening on Wednesday, November 27, as part of the FIT project “International students successful on the German job market”. The free event is open to the public and is aimed at anyone in Hof and the region who is interested in Latin America.

The evening begins at 5:30 pm in the Audimax of the university’s B building. At the event, the countries Mexico, Colombia and Peru in particular will be presented by students and staff of the university. Afterwards, visitors can look forward to three exciting short presentations that will introduce them to the history and culture of these fascinating countries.
Surprises for children
Later on, a Latin American ritual will liven up the evening: at around 6:30 pm, so-called piñatas will be smashed – these are colorful figures made of papier-mâché or crepe paper and filled with sweets and surprises for children and adults. This entertaining activity offers a wonderful opportunity to talk to each other and make new contacts.
Four workshops
From 7:15 p.m., things get interactive: all participants can take part in one of four different workshops, which offer a deep dive into the cultural and ecological characteristics of the region. Guests can learn more about the famous “Día de los Muertos” in Mexico, get to know the impressive biodiversity of Colombia or be inspired by the fascinating textile art of the Incas from Peru. There is also a Spanish course for beginners, which provides a vivid insight into the linguistic differences between the countries. All workshops are offered in both German and English.
Learn to dance salsa
At 8:15 pm, the evening finally switches to a livelier rhythm: a salsa course for beginners invites you to learn the basic salsa steps as well as other Latin American dance moves and get carried away by the rhythms. Here you can enjoy dancing in a playful way and try out the newly learned moves straight away. The evening ends at 21:30 with a raffle.

Hof University of Applied Sciences is looking forward to an unforgettable evening full of culture, music, dance and exciting encounters. Join us and experience the colorful world of Latin America!
Wednesday, November 27 – 17:30, Hof University of Applied Sciences, Audimax (Building B) – Discharge from 17:00 – admission is free.