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Network “Women.Strengths.Hof” visits the Textile Technology Center in Münchberg

The textile laboratories of Hof University of Applied Sciences in Münchberg opened their doors to the regional women’s network Frauen-Stärken.Hof on Thursday, 20.07.2023. The fully booked event took place in cooperation with BayernMentoring.

Prof. Dr. Anett Matthäi guided the visitors through the premises of the Textile Technology Center;
Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

Company representatives and self-employed women from the textile industry in the region were guided through the laboratories of the university in Münchberg by Prof. Dr. Anett Matthäi, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Women’s Representative of Hof University of Applied Sciences, and Anne Böhm, research assistant at the Nonwovens Technical Center. The machines and processes on display and Prof. Matthäi’s lecture on “Sustainability in the Textile Industry” sparked discussions about degradability and sustainability requirements of raw materials in the textile industry, microplastics and sexism in the textile industry. Testing methods, certifications, bonding methods and the knitting machines on site also generated a lot of interest.

Comprehensively assessing the sustainability of individual textile products is very complex and requires interdisciplinary knowledge. In order to participate in a global improvement of environmental and social conditions in the textile industry, our textile engineering courses are internationally oriented.”

Prof. Dr. Anett Matthäi
Testing chemical residues, environmentally friendly dyeing, applying water jet technology – innovative techniques were the focus of lecture and discussion; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;
Katrin Müller

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