
Münchberg: The miracle plant willow – a shrub for (almost) every occasion!

Researchers at Hof University of Applied Sciences are currently focusing on a particularly exciting and versatile plant: The Institute of Materials Science (ifm) in Münchberg is focusing on the willow shrub. Due to the flexible properties of its wood, its rods can be used in textile production, the construction industry, but also in medicine and cosmetics. [more]

published: 13.12.2024

125 years of “Königlich Höhere Weberschule in Münchberg” – The historical roots

With a specially produced series of articles on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Royal Higher Weaving School in Münchberg, "campuls-digital" celebrates the great tradition of our university location Münchberg. We would like to start this series with the historical roots of textile education - a contribution by regional historian Dr. Adrian Roßner. [more]

published: 29.06.2023

Smart City Projects: Design students honored for innovative spirit

The digital startup center Einstein1 and the Startuplab of Hof University of Applied Sciences have awarded students from the communication design course for their concept ideas in the SmartCity project. During the summer semester, the students had dealt with the question of how the city of the future could look and function. [more]

published: 22.12.2022

Sustainable menstrual underwear nominated for innovation award

The company Kelheim Fibres has been nominated for the "Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year" award for its concept of menstrual underwear made from sustainable viscose special fibers. The developer behind it is Natalie Wunder, the first graduate of the "Sustainable Textiles" master's program at Hof University of Applied Sciences. [more]

published: 01.02.2022