Thanks to the intensive preparations of numerous actors, the new students could once again be personally welcomed during the introduction days at the beginning of October. The welcome, which is already traditionally initiated by the Hofer MINT steering wheel project, took place in four-hour time blocks on each of the two days, contrary to the custom from previous years and due to the current pandemic. It was conducted on a faculty-by-faculty basis.
All three events were opened by the president of the university, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, the Mayor of Hof, Eva Döhla, and the 1st Mayor of Münchberg, Mr. Zuber, who greeted the newcomers via video message.
First acquaintance
Afterwards, central contact points from the life of the university were introduced, such as the women’s representative of the university, the representative for the disabled, the central student advisory service, the library, the language center and the area of digital teaching.
The students were also welcomed and provided with all the necessary information about their studies by the respective dean of the faculty, the heads of the study programs and the chairman of the examination board
The most important people during the introductory days were the mentors, i.e. students from higher semesters. They shared their own experiences of life and study at Hof University of Applied Sciences and continue to provide advice and support to the first-year students beyond the introductory days. Due to the great positive response, the successful concept is to be continued in the coming year.