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Prof. Oswald celebrates anniversary: Still full of verve and drive

There was every reason to celebrate recently at the Münchberg site: Anita Oswald, Professor of Textile Design, Product Development and Color Design, celebrated 25 years of service.

JubilarianProf. Anita Oswald and President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann congratulated warmly and thanked the deserving course director with a bouquet of flowers: “Anita Oswald is a pillar of our educational enterprise and highly competent in her field. I look forward to many more years of cooperation!”, said the university president

Prof. Oswald emphasized how much she still enjoys the task

25years – I can’t believe it myself! Working in a great team of colleagues with motivated young people was and is a wonderful task.

Prof. Anita Oswald

Prof. Oswald is a trained textile designer with many years of professional experience in the development of interior textiles. After completing her diploma studies at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences (Münchberg department), she headed the design studio of Hitex Manufaktur Rohleder, an internationally active company in the field of upholstery fabrics, for 11 years. Since 1995 she has been teaching as a professor at Hof University of Applied Sciences and is particularly involved in the field of internationalization.

Rainer Krauß

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