The network ADerN (“Expansion and digitalization of efficient regenerative local heating networks”) invites to the second meeting at the Gründerzentrum Einstein1 on Wednesday, June 29 from 10:30 am to 4:30 pm. The aim of the ADerN project is to increase the acceptance of regenerative local heating networks among the population, to network players in the Bavarian local heating industry and thus to strengthen the industry in the Free State.
This time the event is all about networking and focuses on the introduction of the network participants and on the further procedure within the network.
Program of the second network meeting
After a short welcome by Dr.-Ing. Andy Gradel, the leading engineer of the Institute for Water and Energy Management (iwe) and Wolfram Schöberl of the Central Agricultural Commodity Marketing and Energy Network (C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V.), project member Anton Sack will give a short interim report on the current developments and the next steps in the ADerN network. In order to introduce the participants from companies in the local heating sector, heat network operators, planning offices and companies and municipalities that want to build local heating networks in the future to each other, time slots for introducing the participants are planned before, between and after the presentations on the topics “Design of a local heating network for industrial plants” and “Full cost calculation for heating systems”.
After the lunch break, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in various workshops. They can choose from the network focus areas “Intelligent network control and digitalization”, “Simulation methods for network design”, “Alternative supplementary technologies” and “Customer acquisition and transparent communication”.
Registration information and venue
Interested parties please register, indicating the number of participants, by June 22 to:
Anton Sack (M. Eng.)
Tel.: 09281 – 409 4598
or by mail