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Shaping catheters with steam: project between Hof University and the Sana Hospital

Another project, which was realised in the university’s MakerSpace, marked another milestone in the collaboration with the Sana Klinikum in Hof. The challenge was to develop an apparatus that enables standard medical catheters to be moulded into special shapes.

Übergabe des funktionellen Prototyps vom MakerSpace/Hochschule an Prof. Dr. Boris Radeleff, Chefarzt der Radiologie Sana Klinikum Hof und Assistenzarzt Mohammed Misbahuddin-Leis
Handover of the functional prototype from the MakerSpace/university to Prof. Dr Boris Radeleff, Head of Radiology at the Sana Klinikum Hof and assistant doctor Mohammed Misbahuddin-Leis; Photo: Hof University of Applied Sciences

The framework conditions: simple, cost-effective and uncomplicated. In keeping with the MakerSpace motto “just do it….”, a catheter steam bending machine was built from a normal kettle. The water vapour comes out at the top of an acrylic tube. The catheters are held in this jet and can be bent into the desired shape with the help of the steam.

Dampfbiege Maschine aus dem Makerspace für Katheter steht auf einer Holzarbeitsplatte
Steam bending machine from the Makerspace for catheters; Photo: Hof University of Applied Sciences

These and other projects with and in the MakerSpace offer students at Hof University of Applied Sciences the opportunity to participate in practical projects and problem-solving and to gain valuable experience.

René Göhring

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