Hof University of Applied Sciences is a “family-friendly university” and it is our special concern to support young mothers and fathers in starting their careers after successfully completing their studies at our educational institute.
In addition to corresponding legal regulations, working time models as well as practical lecture alternatives are in place or in progress at the Hof University of Applied Sciences, which should also enable mothers and fathers to work and study efficiently and successfully. In addition, the Women’s Representative Prof. Dr. Margarete Blank-Bewersdorff, or from the end of September 2022 her successor Prof. Dr. Anett Matthäi, helps young parents with services such as a diaper-changing and breastfeeding room or access to the employee parking lot for pregnant women to be able to combine studies and child well.
A changing and breastfeeding room is located in Building A, 2nd floor, Room 220. If required, you can obtain a key for this from the Women’s Representative. Equipped with a comfortable armchair with footstool and a cuddly blanket, the room provides a pleasant atmosphere for mothers to breastfeed. There is also plenty of room to linger, rest and play. In addition to a changing facility, some other useful utensils such as diapers, wet wipes and lotion are also provided here. This provides an opportunity for students to retreat with their offspring from the stressful daily university life and to relax.

Access to the employee parking lot
In order to keep the distances to the university as short as possible and to spare expectant mothers the often tedious search for a parking space around the university, it is possible to obtain access to the employees’ parking lot for the last weeks of pregnancy by application. Here, too, the Women’s Representative provides support.
Hopeful offspring
At this point we welcome another “university” baby and congratulate the young parents very warmly: Christa Sprengard, a student of business psychology in the 6th semester, gave birth to her son Erik on 13.05.2022 healthy and cheerful. We wish the family all the best and a wonderful time getting to know each other. And who knows: maybe Erik will follow in his mother Christa’s footsteps one day and we may welcome him as a student at Hof University of Applied Sciences.