Vice President Prof. Dr. Valentin Plenk was honored for 25 years of public service during a small ceremony. From the hands of university president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann, he received the certificate of thanks from the Free State of Bavaria.

After studying electrical engineering at the Technical University of Munich, Plenk worked there as a research assistant at the Chair of Precision Instrumentation and later earned a doctorate in mechanical engineering in the field of roughness measurement technology. He then worked as a development engineer for hardware and software at Karl Süss KG in Garching before moving to Hof University of Applied Sciences as a professor on Oct. 1, 2000. Since January 2016, Plenk has headed the Cyber-Physical Systems research group at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys), of which he became scientific director on 01.10.2017. Since October 2020, he has held the office of Vice President of Hof University of Applied Sciences.
To motivate my colleagues, to anticipate their interests and to support them in the best possible way, that’s what I see as the main tasks in my office as vice president.”
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk
And further: “In addition, I find it very important to expand the perception of Hof University of Applied Sciences as a seed for innovation in the region and to establish contacts in industry by offering a lot of information.”
Plenk is particularly proud of the introduction of the research professorship, which took effect at the beginning of 2021. Selected professors will thus have the opportunity to invest more time in research in addition to their teaching activities.
Wishes for the future
Plenk has a few wishes for the future. In his office as vice president, he would like to continue to develop and improve various processes at Hof University of Applied Sciences.
Privately, I wish for peace in the world, especially in the current times. For me personally, above all, contentment – because only those who are content can also be happy.”
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk