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Co-developed by Hof University: Bavarian care sector concludes “Digital Pact for Care”

The Bavarian state government wants to drive forward the digitalization of care. To this end, a “Digital Pact for Care” has now been signed in Munich – together with representatives from care practice, the healthcare and care industry, science and associations as well as caregiving relatives and those in need of care in the state. The aim is to set the course for making care fit for the future through digitalization, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies. Hof University of Applied Sciences also played a key role in drafting the agreement and was involved in signing it.

Image: Bavarian State Ministry of Health, Care and Prevention (StMGPP);

The signatories of the “Digital Pact for Care” voluntarily undertake to support the implementation of the so-called HighCare Agenda, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers in November 2024. Bavaria’s Health Minister Judith Gerlach emphasized:

“Digitalization in care must not be an end in itself and does not replace the hand at the bedside. But it can be a valuable tool and an important support in making day-to-day care easier to manage.”

Judith Gerlach, Bavarian State Minister for Health

The HighCare Agenda, which was jointly developed by the signatory stakeholders in a unique process, combines digital support tools for people-centered care that will really make an impact on care and help not only those who need care, but also those who provide it. “With more well-thought-out digitalization, we can also achieve more time for personal contact in care,” said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff, who represented Hof University of Applied Sciences at the signing ceremony and discussed with the Minister on the podium.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff discussed the future of care on the podium (right); Image: Bavarian State Ministry of Health, Care and Prevention (StMGPP);

The Free State is investing around 31 million euros in the HighCare Agenda measures by 2029. State Minister Gerlach: “There is no one technology that solves all problems. But there are already many useful tools today, such as digital care documentation, which are not yet being used everywhere they are needed – partly simply because there is a lack of knowledge about them. But the best technology is useless if it is not used.”

The signatories of the Digital Pact for Care; Image: Bavarian State Ministry of Health, Care and Prevention (StMGPP);

Thanks to the “Digital Pact for Care”, there will be more exchange about software, individual initiatives or funding opportunities, for example. The signatories of the pact are to support each other in order to implement the numerous measures of the HighCare Agenda and to join forces. As an initial measure, the Bavarian State Ministry of Health, Care and Prevention will issue a call for tenders for the digitalization of care in the coming weeks. In addition, research and development of care assistance systems and robotic innovations are to be driven forward. However, the focus is on networking and coordination, on the research side through the “Bavarian Research Initiative for Care Technology” (FiPtec) and in terms of transfer to care through the “Innovative Care Competence Cluster” (KiPf).

“With the signing of the Digital Pact for Care, we are taking a unique path in Bavaria, bringing together bundled care expertise for the digitalization of care. However, FiPtec and KiPf will only be sustainable if we involve and integrate all stakeholders.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff

You can find the HighCare Agenda here…


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