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Promoting a successful model: Dual Study Network meets in May

The combination of study and practical in-company training has become firmly established and is extremely popular. Many companies now offer their trainees these opportunities for academic qualification. On May 17, the Dual Study Network of Hof University of Applied Sciences will meet for the first time at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys). Prof. Dr. Franz-Xaver Boos will inform about program and goals.

Picture: adobestock.com;

Prof. Boos, what is the situation regarding dual studies in Bavaria and specifically at Hof University of Applied Sciences – is there a trend?

“Bavaria takes a completely different approach to dual studies than neighboring states. The Free State of Bavaria integrates dual studies into the normal course of study at the individual universities right from the start. This has been successful – Bavaria has seen a steady increase in dual students and now has about 7% of all enrolled students. Here at Hof University of Applied Sciences, we saw strongly disproportionate growth in the early years, and at the moment we’re in a consolidation phase.”

So how many dual students are specifically involved in degree programs and where is the focus?

“In the STEM subjects we have almost 200 students, and in business we have about 120.”

Where, then, are there still hurdles to taking up dual studies?

“I think one problem is the suboptimal level of knowledge among many smaller companies, as well as among many young people, about the benefits and requirements regarding dual studies.”

After many years in practice, how else can the dual study program be made more attractive?

“The previous dual study program in combination with various apprenticeships is already very popular and has been a real success story over the past ten years. There is close and trusting cooperation with selected vocational school partners and dual students are very well integrated into normal study operations. So the “dual study” format has undoubtedly proved its worth and it will continue in the combination of study and training – our existing partners have absolutely nothing to worry about here.

It is obvious that there is an increased desire among young people for dual study options without a traditional apprenticeship. We are also registering increased feedback from companies that would like to increase the attendance times of their dual students in the company.”

Prof. Dr. Franz-Xaver Boos

After all, companies are facing increasingly fierce competition for talented young employees. A distinctive company practice is one of the most important factors of all – we have to strengthen this.”

A new format is now taking place on May 17 with the Dual Studies network meeting. What is the aim of the event?

“The network meeting Duales Studium 2023 primarily serves to strengthen our partnership with companies in the region. We want to offer our practice partners – and these are almost all larger companies from the region – up-to-date information about our university and the dual study program. But of course we also want to listen and are open to suggestions and criticism. In addition, we want to give you the opportunity to network and exchange ideas among yourselves and with other important stakeholders such as chambers and vocational schools.”

Does this only apply to existing partnerships or is it also possible to get information there if you are not yet working with us?

“Of course. We have also deliberately invited many companies and businesses that are not yet working with us on dual studies. We offer them the basic information about the dual study program and they have the opportunity to get first-hand practical experience about the dual study program from other companies.”

Prof. Dr. Franz-Xaver Boos, Hof University’s representative for the
dual study program; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

Can you already say something about the program?

“We start at 2 p.m. on May 17. After the welcome by our president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Jürgen Lehmann, the Vice President of Teaching, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff, will present the guidelines of dual studies at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Participants will then have the opportunity to meet and discuss the individual fields of study – computer science, engineering and economics/law – with the lecturers in these fields. In the second part, special topics will be addressed: Prof. Fr. Matthias Meitner will speak on the topic “The Dual Master – how does it work?”, I myself will speak on the topic “The dual study program in tax consulting” and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Leuoth will deal with the future “Extended practical periods in business administration and business informatics”. Finally, Claus Beyerlein will tell visitors how to become a practice partner in dual studies at Hof University of Applied Sciences and how we organize the supervision of dual students. The event is then scheduled to end around 5:30 p.m.”

How can one register for this?

“It’s very easy by sending an email to: nicole.werner.2(at)hof-university.de.”

Thank you for the interview!

Rainer Krauß

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