Change at the top of “Einstein1”: The 36-year-old Werner Fugmann, a graduate industrial engineer and project manager, is taking over the position of Managing Director from Thomas Schott, who has had to leave the company for health reasons. Born in Hof, he studied at Hof University of Applied Sciences and worked as an application developer in the field of injection moulding for Raumedic AG and Gealan Formteile GmbH. Most recently, he held several positions at SkinBaron GmbH, a start-up for digital objects based in Hof, and was also looking for self-employment in the field of 3D printing and social media content. Werner Fugmann spoke to “campuls-digital” about his new role and his goals.

Werner Fugmann spoke to “campuls-digital” about his new role and his goals.
Mr Fugmann, what connections did you already have before your appointment to the Einstein1 start-up centre?
“Since 2019, I have regularly attended the networking events at Einstein1 and was able to gain both knowledge and valuable contacts there. I was also able to give two presentations in various roles as part of the networking events at Einstein1.”
What prompted you to apply for the vacant position?
“I really enjoyed my last job, but the company has outgrown the classic start-up due to its size and age. I really enjoyed helping to build up the company and was able to learn a lot during this time. I saw the opportunity to pass on this acquired knowledge to founders and people interested in starting up.”
How do you assess the current situation at Einstein1?
“Basically, I always see the positive side of things. In my opinion, Einstein1 still has untapped potential without having to completely overturn the work of my predecessors.”

Where do you see the most urgent challenges in your work?
“Einstein1 needs to become much better known so that it brings maximum benefit to everyone involved.”
How can Einstein1 establish itself even more in the consciousness of business and society?
“Marketing and promotion. Based on my personal and professional experience, I think it’s essential to conduct target group-appropriate marketing in order to make Einstein1 even better known in the region.”
Where do you see the institution in 5 years’ time?
“That’s difficult to say at the moment. The economic conditions are constantly changing, but with the WIN initiative just proposed by the government, I see positive impetus for the start-up economy throughout Germany. Ultimately, we are a link in this chain. Thanks to the corresponding funding from the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, we are well positioned for the coming years. However, it is also important for us – and this also applies to start-ups – to keep an eye on the market environment and adapt our company accordingly.