What is researched at our university? What private hobbies do our colleagues have? Under this question, both researchers and administrative staff selected suitable T-shirts and filled them with life with a short story. They were then presented to a larger circle on the social media channels as #hochschulköpfe.

The whole thing was conceived as a riddle and was about
- europe (Prof. Peter Schäfer, EU Law; Katrin Müller, Digital Regions)
- mathematical formulas (Gerd Kammerer, Lecturer; Prof. Valentin Plenk, Vice President R&D) or
- a scientific conference (Prof. Claus Atzenbeck, Hypertext Conference).
There were
- an institute (Anton Sack, iwe) and
- a research project (Prof. René Peinl, MOONRISE) were presented.
- The MakerSpace (René Göhring, MakerSpace) was guessed as well as the
- Wärschtlamo (Carolin Richter, University Communication).
Fauna and flora also made up a share:
- Tasmanian Tasmanian devil (Prof. Jürgen Lehmann, President)
- Flowers and gardens (Carolin Mück, Real Estate; Sonja Ramming, Library)
Further it went with
- Favorite musicians (Prof. Jörg Scheidt, Analytical Information Systems),
- Favorite movies (Sascha Lang, Cyberphysical Systems) and
- Favorite building blocks (Anne-Christine Habbel, Research Marketing).
Each week there was one of the above puzzles to guess: The T-shirt was shown quasi “headless”, i.e. without a face, and the task was to guess who it could be. A few days later, the mystery was solved. For the university family this action was an enrichment, because in this way the colleagues got to know each other better.
Finally, we placed everyone next to each other on the poster: Colleagues from the most diverse areas – because science and administration go hand in hand. The poster is currently displayed in the corridors of the university.