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Hof University receives funding for further education programs

“Fit” for digital transformation – with “fit.ING”, OTH Amberg-Weiden and Hof University of Applied Sciences have designed an innovative continuing education program that provides engineers and technicians with tailored and individual continuing education in the area of digitalization of the supply chain. The project is being funded with 100,000 euros as part of the second funding period of “digital.ING,” a cooperative project of the Bavarian Ministry of Science and the vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. (Bavarian Business Association).

Prof. Dr. Thomas Meuche, head of the Career plus Studies department at Hof University of Applied Sciences;
Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

Regional features

“Our ‘fit.ING’ project is aligned with the requirements of digitalization and the needs of the region. For example, the concept of value creation forms the structural framework of the continuing education concept, since the digitization of the value chain is a basic prerequisite for the future success of many companies,” explains Prof. Dr. Christiane Hellbach, Vice President of OTH Amberg-Weiden and Scientific Director of OTH Professional

Upper Franconia and the Upper Palatinate are regions strongly characterized by industry. We want to support companies in the region with practical training courses in the digitization of their production and logistics and thus ensure their competitiveness.”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Meuche, Head of Career plus Studies

From the very beginning, the project has focused on close networking between companies, network partners and universities. For example, based on regional needs, courses will initially be offered in the areas of production and logistics, with plans already in place to expand the offering. The content of the individual courses is also tailored precisely to the requirements of the job.

A special feature of “fit.ING” is that courses can be individually selected from a certificate module. The individual courses are designed to be cumulative and creditable, which means that individual certificate courses can be combined into a “larger” certificate or credited toward a later (in-service) degree program. In the future, the combination of courses into certificates will be digitally supported by a configurator, which is also being developed in the project.

A wide range of continuing education options

Under the umbrella of OTH Professional, OTH Amberg-Weiden offers a wide range of courses for working professionals: eight part-time master’s degree programs and one part-time bachelor’s degree program as well as a variety of different certifications, courses and continuing education courses are available. Selected courses and degree programs can now also be taken in Neumarkt.

Hof University of Applied Sciences offers part-time bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in the area of career plus studies, as well as certificate courses on the topic of digitization. For the most part, the courses take place online.

More information…

Sonja Wiesel

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