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Sustainable textile studies – Hof University of Applied Sciences cooperates with Bangladesh

Under the umbrella of the German Society for Industrial Cooperation (GIZ), Hof University of Applied Sciences has launched a remarkable international project together with the Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX). During the two-year term, among other things, academic education in Bangladesh is to be raised to bachelor level and developed towards sustainable textile production. For the future, further perspectives of cooperation between Upper Franconia and the educational institutions in Southeast Asia could arise.

Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) in Dhaka; Source: BUTEX;

Hof University of Applied Sciences has an excellent reputation in Asia regarding its competence in the textile sector. In particular, lecturers and students of the Innovative Textiles and Sustainable Textiles courses in Münchberg are always in demand when it comes to developing traditional textile production towards sustainable and ecological production

Demand is changing

“This is also the order of the day in Asian manufacturing countries; after all, ecological products are increasingly in demand both from intermediaries and from Western consumers themselves,” says Dr. Michael Rauch, professor of textile finishing process engineering and head of the Sustainable Textiles master’s program. With the “HELD” project (“Higher Education and Leadership Development for Sustainable Textiles in Bangladesh”), the already strong cooperation will now be intensified even further.

Prof. Dr. Michael Rauch; Source: private

Double degree program as goal

“We would like to enrich the education of the cooperation partner BUTEX with its total of seven affiliated textile colleges with our know-how and provide further starting points for sustainability,” said Prof. Dr. Rauch. In addition, he said, there are plans to set up a master’s degree program at BUTEX in Bangladesh analogous to the master’s degree program in “Sustainable Textiles” at Hof University of Applied Sciences. “This could possibly also be done as a double degree program,” explains Prof. Dr. Rauch. Such “double degree programs” allow students to spend a fixed number of semesters abroad and have their additional degrees earned there mutually recognized.

Continuous textile study program in Münchberg

Following the project, a cooperative doctoral program (Hof University of Applied Sciences – BUTEX) is to be introduced in the medium to long term, enabling students from both universities to earn a doctorate. “Thus, in the future, Hof University of Applied Sciences could offer a continuous study program in the field of textiles – consisting of the bachelor’s degree program in Innovative Textiles, the master’s degree program in Sustainable Textiles and a new doctoral program,” concludes Prof. Dr. Michael Rauch.


The funding amount of the HELD project is approximately € 380,000 over 2 years. The sponsoring GIZ acts on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Prof. Dr. Michael Rauch
Rainer Krauß

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