
New Start-up hub: Upper Franconian universities are the region’s start-up engines

Promoting committed students with an interest in start-ups, qualifying them for entrepreneurship and innovation and thus enriching the regional start-up ecosystem - this is what the start-up hub Upper Franconia - GO! It will be launched in November 2023 at the Universities of Bamberg and Bayreuth and the Universities of Applied Sciences in Coburg and Hof. [more]

published: 15.11.2023

“Startup Nation”: Hof University puts out feelers to Israel

Students at Hof University of Applied Sciences are exploring the country on the eastern Mediterranean on a cross-faculty excursion and immersing themselves in the successful startup scene of the "Startup Nation". The goal: to broaden their own horizons, look behind the scenes of this so complex country and learn from Israel's successful innovators. [more]

published: 19.06.2023

Students get a taste of entrepreneurship at the Entrepreneurship Summit

On the weekend of October 22-23, this year's Entrepreneurship Summit of the Entrepreneurship Foundation, a meeting of people interested in founding companies and startups, took place at Freie Universität Berlin. The Summit is one of the most important startup conventions in Germany. This year, a group of 15 students from Hof University of Applied Sciences took part for the first time. [more]

published: 27.10.2022

Hofer startup SmartZavod receives EXIST founder grant

Oleksii Solntsev and Anton Yakhno are master's graduates in mechanical engineering and founders of the startups SmartZavod. Together with Eugenia Solntseva, they have been working on the development of a multifunctional 3D printer for a year. They have now received funding of 125,000 euros for their project. [more]

published: 21.10.2022

Studierende der Hochschule Hof besuchen Startup myriad an der Uni Bayreuth

Über den Tellerrand schauen, Inspiration tanken und die regionale Startup-Szene kennenlernen und vernetzen. Das war einer der Leitgedanken der Exkursion einer Gruppe von Studierenden der Hochschule Hof beim Startup myriad an der Uni Bayreuth, die vom Startuplab und dem Digitalen Gründerzentrum Einstein1 organisiert wurde. [more]

published: 28.04.2022