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#kickstart2024 – We present: Bio-based, thermochromic packaging

With KICKSTART, Hof University of Applied Sciences has launched a funding program that starts at a very early stage of a potential start-up – with the development of ideas and prototypes. The KICKSTART teams have six months to develop their idea into an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) or prototype.

Introducing: BioDigiprint

The project idea was implemented in 2024 under the leadership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rausch, the ibp (Annette Wimmer) and the project engineers.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rausch (head of the generative manufacturing processes laboratory; 2nd from right), Annette Wimmer (research assistant at ibp, left), Martin Thoß (laboratory engineer, 2nd from left), Nathalie Koch (laboratory engineer, right); Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The mission

The development of a bio-based, thermochromic packaging. The packaging was to be produced from an innovative bio-based and functionalized film structure using digital printing, which was then to be given a temperature display function using film insert molding (FIM).

Film printing using digital printing; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

After printing and a drying process, the films are formed. These are then to be back-molded into packaging. Flat films were inserted into the packaging for initial tests.

Process sequence for the digitally printed packaging films; Source: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

How did you come up with this idea?

“When using drinks containers or microwave meals, we had the idea with our colleagues during the lunch break that a temperature display would be useful to avoid burning our fingers.”

Beverage containers and storage cans with integrated foils that change color at certain temperatures; images: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

Studying or working alone is already very time-consuming and exhausting. Nevertheless, you are also busy developing your own start-up idea. Where do you get your motivation from?

“As creative minds by profession, new ideas constantly come to us in everyday life. As part of the Kickstart project, it was possible to procure cost-intensive materials and thus test the possibilities of printing on bio-based films and then back-injecting them.”

The Kickstart program is designed to promote the further development of ideas that are at a very early stage. You can receive up to 7,500 euros in financial support for this. How do you use the funding specifically?

“As the idea is still in its infancy, the money was mainly invested in the very sensitive print heads and raw materials for plastic films and printing material. Auxiliary materials for activating the films were also a major cost item.”

At the end of the six months, do you already know what the future holds for you? What are your long-term goals? Are you aiming to set up a company?

“In the long term, we want to continue working with the findings from the project. Even if the work has not yet achieved the desired results, it forms the basis for further investigations. At the moment, it has not yet been possible to define materials that are suitable for the temperature range of back-injection molding with biopolymers and are durable enough to remain attractive and in place after the process.”

What have you learned from the project so far? What would you like to pass on to other people interested in starting a business?

“Kickstart offers a very convenient and unbureaucratic way to obtain funding. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the time required to realize a project idea is not insignificant.”

Further information on the Kickstart project can be found here…

Camilla Lenz

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