On October 18, female students from Hof University of Applied Sciences made their way to the "herCAREER" trade fair in Munich. The bus, organized by the Women's Representative team, offered participants the opportunity to make valuable contacts at Europe's largest career fair for women and find out about career opportunities in a wide range of professions. [more]
published: 29.10.2024
50.5% of the German population are women (as of 2021) and almost every woman has already found herself in the situation of not having period products with her. This will no longer be a problem at the Hof University of Applied Sciences locations. [more]
published: 22.01.2024
In mid-November of last year, the team of women's representatives introduced themselves in the A-Foyer and provided information about the various projects and support programs for women. [more]
published: 11.01.2023
for 20 years, Prof. Dr. Margarete Blank-Bewersdorff was the Women's Representative at Hof University. 20 years in which a lot has happened in terms of equality for women at Hof University. Shortly before her retirement in September, we at Campuls.digital take another look back at her office and let her take stock. [more]
published: 24.06.2022
With seven so-called tandems, consisting of female students from Hof University of Applied Sciences and mentors from the business world, the Bayern Mentoring Program has started the 2021/ 2022 round. At the kick-off event in October, the tandems were able to get to know each other for the first time. [more]
published: 10.01.2022
Every year, the team of women's representatives at Hof University of Applied Sciences offers the "BayernMentoring" project for female students. This is a support program specifically for young women primarily in STEM fields of study and careers [more]
published: 03.07.2021
The workshop series "Career Strategies and Personal Competencies" took place for the first time this winter semester. This ongoing offering by the Women's Representative is aimed at all interested female students and academic staff at Hof University of Applied Sciences. [more]
published: 10.02.2021
BayernMentoring is a Bavaria-wide support program specifically for girls and young women, primarily in STEM fields of study and careers (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology). On October 22, the kick-off event took place at Hof University of Applied Sciences - naturally in compliance with current hygiene measures. The Women's Representative of Hof University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Margarete Blank-Bewersdorff, led through the evening, which she had organized together with her assistant Katharina Michael [more]
published: 06.11.2020
What does everyday life look like when you start studying as a young mother? If you think about the many obligations and appointments such as lectures, course work, the part-time job and much more, then everyone can easily imagine that this can quickly become overwhelming and very tedious. But what if you have another child during your studies - can you still study sensibly at all? That's exactly what we in the team of women's representatives asked ourselves [more]
published: 05.11.2020
Due to the Corona pandemic, the presentation of this year's graduate awards of Hof University of Applied Sciences took place in a smaller setting during a ceremony. A total of seven graduates were honored for outstanding achievements in their studies or theses. [more]
published: 10.09.2020