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Team of Women’s Representatives: Gender Equality Contest at Lunch-Info

In mid-November last year, the team of women’s representatives introduced themselves in the A foyer and provided information about the various projects and support programs for women. Current offers for female students, the gender pay gap and the proportion of women in university professorships were also topics during the lunch break.

The team of the women’s representative at the lunch break info (from left): Katharina Michael (assistant to the women’s representative), Prof. Dr. Manuela Wimmer (deputy women’s representative), Prof. Dr. Anett Matthäi (women’s representative), Katarina Steksov (student assistant); Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

Among other things, the women’s representative offers BayernMentoring, which is primarily designed for female students from the MINT courses (math, computer science, natural science, and technology). The workshop series “Career Strategies” is open to all interested female students who want to advance their personal skills for entering professional life. More information about the offers for female students will be available soon on the new homepage of the university.

The competition

In addition to the information, all students and university members had the opportunity to learn about the data on gender equality and to participate in a raffle. There were five vouchers for the “Jump & Climb” at the Untreusee in Hof to be won.

Students answering the raffle; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

After all: 80% of all questionnaires were answered correctly – with the help of statistical data from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The vouchers were drawn from all the correct questionnaires and sent to the winners by e-mail. The team of the Women’s Representative wishes the winners a lot of fun!

The correct answers of the competition:

Differences in earnings between women and men (unadjusted gender pay gap)

The gender pay gap is the difference in earnings between women and men and is also referred to as the gender pay gap. In 2021, women earned 18 percent less than men on average in Germany (unadjusted gender pay gap), and as much as 22 percent less in Bavaria. In Saxony, by contrast, the difference is only 6 percent.

Source: https://www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/service/online-rechner/gleichstellungsatlas;

Proportion of women in full-time university professorships

In terms of the proportion of women in full-time university professorships, Bavaria currently performs among the worst in a nationwide comparison. Here, the proportion of women in 2020 was less than 22.4 percent. Increasing this share is one of the goals of the universities.

Source: https://www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/service/online-rechner/gleichstellungsatlas;

Share of women in successfully completed doctorates

A positive trend for equality can be seen when looking at successfully completed doctorates. Here, Bavaria is in the top third in a national comparison with a proportion of 46.8 percent women (2020).

Source: https://www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/service/online-rechner/gleichstellungsatlas;

Katharina Michael

Weitere Themen