Due to the Corona pandemic, the presentation of this year’s graduate awards of Hof University of Applied Sciences took place in a smaller setting during a ceremony. A total of seven graduates were honored for outstanding achievements in their studies or theses.

Werner Mergner, member of the management board of the Hans-Vießmann-Technology-Foundation, honored the outstanding research results of the graduates and awarded Rebecca Weiss for her bachelor thesis in the course of studies Media Informatics on action and narrative structures of mobile games. Katharina Pscherer’s thesis on biobased and compostable films in the materials engineering program was also worthy of a prize.
You have done an outstanding job and delivered outstanding research – congratulations!
Werner Mergner, Hans Viessmann Technology Foundation
Prize of the sponsoring society for Franziska Neubauer and Thomas Herpich
Dr. Dorothee Strunz, Chairwoman of the Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University, emphasized the importance of academic excellence for Hof University and the need to promote it. The prizes of the sponsoring society went to Franziska Neubauer for her bachelor thesis in the field of finance and to Thomas Herpich for his computer science thesis.
Prize of the women’s representative
The prize of the Women’s Representative of Hof University of Applied Sciences was awarded to Ulrike Mutschke, who examined various aspects of the use of plastics in textile design in her bachelor thesis and coined the term “Plantastix”.
International Award of the City of Hof goes to Komal Agarwal
Mayor Eva Döhla presented the International Award of the City of Hof to Komal Agarwal, an Indian graduate who excelled in the master’s program in Software Engineering. Eva Döhla emphasized that she was very pleased to award the prize to a young woman who came to Hof from a different cultural background and succeeded in a technical course of study.
emi graduate award presented for the first time
The European Management Institute emi presented a graduate award for the first time this year. Prof. Dr. Fridtjof Langenhan honored Stefan Sachse, a graduate of the master’s program in logistics, who continued his consistently excellent performance professionally and in his studies with his final thesis on the analysis of general cargo transactions.