“Upper Franconia 4.0” – Under this heading, the Digital Business Incubator Einstein1 is organizing a lecture evening together with Hof University of Applied Sciences on May 12, 2022, to which the interested public is cordially invited. Dr. Jens Löbus, Managing Director of “Einstein1” since September 2021, will present the digital vision for the incubator. Johannes Schmölz, the managing director of the start-up nuspace GmbH, will also be present. She provides insights into a brand-new project that directly affects Einstein 1: a digital twin of the building.

The incubator and its ideas are networked across the EU via a European project at the university: The Digital Regions project combines proven project experiences from Upper Franconia with those of other European partners. Katrin Müller, project manager of Digital Regions at the university, and Margaret Quinn, program manager at the Irish digital network ERNACT at Letterkenny Institute of Technology, report on this project. Dr. Dominic Gorecky, head of the Swiss Smart Factory, will present the digital trial environment in Biel – an open workshop that interested parties from Upper Franconia can also visit free of charge and which is also open to companies from all over Europe for collaborations.
The public is also cordially invited to the discussion round moderated by Anne-Christine Habbel, Head of Research Marketing at Hof University of Applied Sciences.
The public event begins at 6:00 p.m. at Einstein1, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 1, 95028 Hof. The entrance is free of charge. Registration by mail to forschungsmarketing@hof-university.de is requested. The number of participants is limited. The daily rules in connection with the pandemic apply.