Only around 20 percent of start-ups in Germany are founded by women or with female participation in the team. The start-up world is still heavily dominated by men. To change this, Claire Siegert and Victoria Arnhold founded "Businettes" in 2019, a startup incubator specifically for women. [more]
published: 18.01.2024
"The method is about first understanding a problem very well, learning and finding out as much as possible about it and then working on the solution," says Prof. Dr. Oliver Mauroner. This refers to design thinking, an innovation method that is based on the way designers work and is open-ended. [more]
published: 01.12.2023
For the second time, the "Mobility Days Hof Land" are taking place in the city and district of Hof as part of the European Mobility Week of the Federal Environment Agency. This year, the student initiative HofSpannung Motorsport e.V. is also participating [more]
published: 24.08.2022
"Upper Franconia 4.0" - Under this heading, the Digital Business Incubator Einstein1 together with Hof University of Applied Sciences is organizing a lecture evening on May 12, 2022, to which the interested public is cordially invited [more]
published: 04.05.2022
Über den Tellerrand schauen, Inspiration tanken und die regionale Startup-Szene kennenlernen und vernetzen. Das war einer der Leitgedanken der Exkursion einer Gruppe von Studierenden der Hochschule Hof beim Startup myriad an der Uni Bayreuth, die vom Startuplab und dem Digitalen Gründerzentrum Einstein1 organisiert wurde. [more]
published: 28.04.2022
"Meet & Eat - Start-up your Career" - this is the name of the new event series that the Digital Start-up Center Einstein1, the Careerservice of Hof University of Applied Sciences and the Startuplab have launched. The goal: To present the wide range of offers for founders and people interested in founding a company to the students of our university - and more than that! [more]
published: 28.04.2022
The network ADerN ("Expansion and digitalization of efficient regenerative local heating networks") invites to the project kick-off event on Wednesday, March 16, starting at 10:30 a.m. at the Digital Incubator Einstein1. Interested parties will receive information about regenerative local heating networks and the opportunities, but also the challenges associated with them. [more]
published: 25.02.2022
Just a few years after its own founding, the digital startup center "Einstein1" on the campus of Hof University of Applied Sciences can look back on a number of successful startups in a wide variety of fields. Now, two satisfied young entrepreneurs wanted to give something back to the institution and thus thank the Einstein1 staff [more]
published: 17.09.2021
The EXIST start-up grant supports students, graduates and scientists from universities and non-university research institutions who want to realize their start-up idea and turn it into a business plan. We ask the "Businettes"... [more]
published: 10.02.2021