The network ADerN (“Expansion and digitalization of efficient regenerative local heating networks”) invites to the project kick-off event on Wednesday, March 16, starting at 10:30 a.m. at the Digital Incubator Einstein1. Interested parties will receive information about regenerative local heating networks and which opportunities but also challenges are associated with them.

The aim of the ADerN project is to increase the acceptance of regenerative local heating networks among the population and to strengthen the local heating industry in the Free State. The event is aimed at companies from the local heating sector and heating network operators, but also at planning offices, companies and municipalities that want to build local heating networks in the future.
Program of the ADerN kick-off meeting
After the welcome by Prof. Dr. Tobias Plessing, the scientific director of the Institute for Water and Energy Management (iwe) at Hof University of Applied Sciences, the participants can expect guest lectures on the topics of “Development and current status of local and district heating”, “Smart local heating in (new) neighborhoods” and “Current obstacles to the construction and expansion of local heating networks”.
Furthermore, interested parties will receive information about the Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences and its research projects “ADerN” and “PuLaMa”. In the latter, the aim is to develop a buffer storage and load management system (PuLaMa) that is dependent on user behavior so that the heat produced by the woodchip boiler does not “fizzle out” unused.
A discussion on “Opportunities and challenges of local heating networks” will round off the kick-off event.
Registration information and venue
Interested parties please register until 09 March with:
Anton Sack (M. Eng.)
Tel.: 09281 – 409 4598
or by Mail
Digital Business Incubator Einstein1
95028 Hof