On Wednesday, October 9 (9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), Hof University of Applied Sciences and FINSOZ e.V. invite you to an on-site networking and information event on the topic of telematics infrastructure (TI) at the Digital Start-up Center Einstein1. The telematics infrastructure offers an intersectoral network for the fast and secure exchange of sensitive health data. The regional symposium is offered by pulsnetz MuTiG and provides information on the aspects that need to be considered during implementation, the advantages of the TI and why service providers benefit above all from a regional network.

The event is aimed at stakeholders in the health and social care sector from the Hochfranken region, including care facilities (outpatient, inpatient, day care), doctors, pharmacies, occupational therapists, medical and rehabilitation centers and integration assistance. The aim is to bring the service providers in Upper Franconia together to engage in a joint exchange and learn from each other. After all, TI does not work alone, but must be implemented in cooperation with all service providers.

Program overview
The day’s program will begin with a presentation on the current status of the telematics infrastructure (TI) by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff, Vice President Teaching at Hof University of Applied Sciences. In a panel discussion, representatives from the industry will report on their experiences. The organizers were able to recruit the following experts for the panel:
- Thomas Heine (Head of Innovation Infrastructures at the Baden-Württemberg State Competence Centre for Care & Digitalization (PflegeDigital@BW) with a focus on TI, among other things)
- Andrea Reiter-Jäschke (employee at the State Competence Center PFLEGE-DIGITAL Bavaria)
- Dr. Sabine Vogel (pharmacist at the Aesculap pharmacy in Hof)
- Ute Wolf (Ute Wolf LL.M. | Staff Unit Organizational Development – Inhouse Consulting; Rummelsberger Dienste für Menschen gemeinnützige GmbH)
- and Laura Lutz (QM representative and key user of the telematics infrastructure at Rummelsberger Dienste für Menschen gemeinnützige GmbH)
I hope that the TI symposium will provide valuable impulses and an intensive exchange that will promote cooperation across sectors and professions. The telematics infrastructure (TI) has the potential to build bridges between different players in the healthcare system and to have an indirect impact on the social economy, politics and society. Dialogue and networking between all stakeholders are essential in order to develop viable strategies that promote sustainable and fair digitalization in these areas.”
Thomas Heine

Parallel training sessions will be held over the course of the event to cater for different needs and provide a knowledge base, first steps with the TI and the potential of TI applications. In addition, the participants will be given plenty of space to get to know each other, exchange ideas and discuss.
“With this event, we want to pick up participants with all levels of knowledge and at the same time ensure a mutual exchange. The participants from the various sectors of the healthcare system should consider together how they can use the TI sensibly together. We are giving the service providers a space and time to deal with the topic together,” emphasizes Nele Stock from FINSOZ e.V.
Further information and registration
Participation in the event is free of charge and catering will be provided.
For better planning, please register by 25.09.2024 by e-mail (mutig@pulsnetz.de). If you have any questions, please contact Jeannette Corell (FINSOZ e.V.) on 0157 – 54365999 or by email at jeannette.corell@finsoz.de.
Further information about the event can also be found here.
The “pulsnetz MuTiG” project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the European Union via the European Social Fund Plus(ESF Plus) as part of the “Future Centers” program.