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Sustainability proposal receives award – “Digital ride-sharing bank” to be implemented

In the “Change it!-Stud” program, students can submit specific suggestions for improvement and participate directly in change management at our university. Another suggestion from this program has now been awarded a prize and is currently being implemented.

In the picture (from left): Vice President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Wolff, Christina Bartsch (Change Management), Lena Erhardt and University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann; Picture: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

Lena Erhardt, a student on the Bachelor’s degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management, suggested the following:

“Recently, the buses from the city center to the university and vice versa are often very full at peak times – and this despite the partial use of 2 buses. It would therefore be conceivable to have a portal in which students who drive to the university from the city center could register. They could leave details of when they are leaving and how many seats they still have free.”

Lena Erhardt

The proposal, which was discussed with representatives of the city of Hof, is now to be realized under the working title “Digital Carpool Bank”. Lena Erhardt’s idea was rewarded with a shopping voucher.

Anyone who would like to make equally good suggestions for improvement can submit them here at any time…

Rainer Krauß

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