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Question: Is it possible to do a doctorate at a university of applied sciences (HAW)?

Contrary to some assumptions, it is also possible to do a doctorate at a university of applied sciences. If it has its own right to award doctorates, this can take place directly and on site. If not, then instead of one professor at a university, there are two professorial supervisors: one from the HAW and one from a university.

Source: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

According to figures from the Federal Statistical Office, there were around 204,900 people in Germany in an ongoing doctoral procedure in 2023. This is slightly fewer doctoral students than in 2022. The average age of doctoral students was 30.5 years. Incidentally, universities without the right to award doctorates or foreign universities generally do not report to the doctoral student statistics.

Overall, 46.1% of all doctorates in Germany in 2022 were completed by women. This puts Germany at the bottom of the EU rankings.

Hof University of Applied Sciences currently has around 20 ongoing doctorates and 17 completed ones. If you would like to take a closer look at the topics of our doctoral students, you can find them in the Research Information System (FIS)…

And if you would like to find out more about doing a doctorate at Hof University of Applied Sciences, you will find information on this website and can also talk to two doctoral candidates…

Anne-Christine Habbel

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