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“The Fusion of Creativity and Technology”: University hosts lecture evening on AI as a partner in the design process

How will artificial intelligence (AI) change the creative industries in the future? How can technology improve people’s creative and technical skills? What profound changes will AI bring to design processes?

These and many other questions will be explored in the lecture “The Fusion of Creativity and Technology – AI as a Partner in the Design Process”, to which the Bachelor’s degree course “Design & Mobility” cordially invites interested parties to Audimax B 023 on the Hof campus of the university on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 6 p.m.

In his lecture, Marcus Görner, engineer and future thinker, will compare new (AI-supported) and old working models, discuss examples from industry and practice and present current AI design and engineering tools. The subsequent get-together with snacks and drinks will provide time to discuss the future of the creative industry.

About the Bachelor’s degree program in Design and Mobility (B.A.)

Mobility is a prerequisite for life. The future demands intelligent, practical and efficient solutions for the mobilization of people. The multifaceted nature of the topic, from urban public mass transportation to intercontinental long-distance transport to individual small vehicles, is the thematic field of work of the Design & Mobility degree course.

In the future, technical innovations for vehicles and infrastructure will allow far-reaching interventions in the organization of transport, improve existing systems, create new ones and can help to make established systems fit for the future. The Design & Mobility degree program trains designers for the mobility solutions of the future. Through cooperation with a wide range of partners from society, industry and science, impulses, ideas and links with practical relevance and beyond the boundaries of the academic world are generated during the course.

In addition to the comprehensive design training, the Design & Mobility degree program creates contact knowledge with the engineering disciplines relevant to vehicle development.

Kirsten Hölzel

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