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Engineers: More choices on the way to the study of your dreams

A new and unique concept at Hof University of Applied Sciences combines the contents of all existing engineering study program concepts at the Hof location. Starting in the winter semester of 2022/23, Hof University of Applied Sciences will offer a completely restructured and highly flexible bachelor’s degree program in engineering. Students will have the opportunity to decide on a field of study and a major only after an orientation phase. In addition, current developments and specialist areas such as digitalization, sustainability and the mobility of the future are integrated into the modular training. Interdisciplinary offerings can also be combined with the classic engineering content, guaranteeing the best possible qualification for the challenges of the future.

Prof. Dr. Anke Müller (r.), Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Hof University of Applied Sciences, in conversation with two students; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

“We have made an experience: students wish for a more active participation and more flexibility in the design of their education,” says program director Prof. Dr. Marco Linß. Hof University of Applied Sciences is responding to this wish with a newly designed, interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree program in engineering (B.Eng.). However, the concept initially affects all engineering degree programs: individual fields of study, comparable to the degree programs, will be standardized in the orientation phase through a uniform and transparent degree program structure

The new concept initially makes it easier for our students to find their way around, strengthens networking among students and later enables them to specialize in a way that fits their needs. But companies, as future employers, also benefit: Their future also lies in innovative forms of study that offer a sound basis in engineering science with highly innovative transfer knowledge.”

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marco Linß, Director of Studies

Modular structure

The new engineering degree program is not only aimed at students who already know exactly what they want to study right from the start. It also encourages and supports those for whom their engineering direction is still unclear at first and only gradually emerges. The basis of this flexibility is a modular structure: In addition to the two-semester common orientation phase, the concept consists of the modules “Basics” (general subject-related fundamentals), Major 1 (special subject-related fundamentals), Major 2 (in-depth focal points), Minor (freely selectable supplementary block) and a practical phase. The subject-related fundamentals contained in Major 1 finally define the exact field of study, such as environmental technology, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, materials engineering or industrial engineering. The decision must be made after the second semester.

Course director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marco Linß; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

More choices

“The concept thus combines in an updated form the contents of all existing engineering study program concepts at the Hof location and also enables the integration of current developments and trends,” says university president Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann about the redesign. And further

Our modular course of study additionally offers comprehensive elective options that take the students’ inclinations into account in an appropriate manner.”

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann

A possible subsequent master’s degree program serves to specialize graduates in a particular field.


If you are interested in the new study program, you can apply for the new study program “Engineering (B.Eng.)” at Hof University of Applied Sciences starting in May 2022. For more information, please visit:


Rainer Krauß

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