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Course “Polymer Matrix Composites”: Best Presentation awarded

As part of the course “Polymer Matrix Composites” (master’s program in composites), students gave various presentations on composites topics in the winter semester 2021/2022. The focus was on topics such as recycling of polymer matrix composites, joining processes for the production of hybrid materials, composite materials in modern construction and the challenges in terms of thermal insulation and fire protection or biopolymers for composites. The presentation of Philipp Seitenglanz with the topic “Composite materials in modern construction and the challenges in terms of thermal insulation and fire protection” was voted best presentation by all presenting students.

First gave the best lecture and later a whole “car”: Philipp Seitenglanz. Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

On behalf of the “Freundeskreis zur Internationalisierung des Textilkompetenzzentrums Münchberg an der Hochschule Hof e.V.” Philipp Seitenglanz was therefore awarded a prize. He received a Porsche 550 Spyder – unfortunately only as a model car on a scale of 1:18. Nevertheless, the prize winner was visibly pleased with the award. The election and award ceremony took place shortly after the presence examination in the subject “Polymer Matrix Composites” on 31.01.2022.

Prof. Dr. Nico Behrendt

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