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Sustainable water management: theory meets practice

At the end of November, students on the Sustainable Water Management and Engineering Master’s course at Hof University of Applied Sciences had a very practical learning experience as part of the Smart Water course. The lecture was led by Gerold Dieckmann from the company ifm electronic GmbH in Essen, for which the expert works as a Senior Sales Engineer. He succeeded in combining academic knowledge with technological innovation from the field.

Students examine various sensors that are used in the water sector. Expert Dieckmann explains how they work and how they can be connected to an IoT platform within the water system; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

A particular highlight for the students was the introduction to the digital transformation of the water sector. The presentation offered exciting insights into cutting-edge technological solutions, including the use of vibration sensors. These play a central role in the optimization of motors, pumps and turbines. In addition to theoretical concepts, the students were also able to experience the technologies in practice.

The interactive learning unit impressively demonstrated how academic knowledge can be translated into real-life applications. By combining theory and industrial know-how, the students were motivated to explore the potential of sustainable technologies and develop innovative solutions in water management.


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