Hof University of Applied Sciences is calling on its students and employees to actively participate in the "Drinking Culture" project. The research project uses a local example to investigate how drinking water stations are used and perceived. [more]
published: 17.12.2024
The 4th Hof Water Symposium will take place on October 15 and 16, 2024. The focus will be on securing both global and regional water supplies. Speakers include singer and water activist Rolf Stahlhofen ("Söhne Mannheims"). [more]
published: 26.08.2024
A total of 19 participants gained further qualifications for tasks in the Bavarian water industry. The 15-week course is aimed specifically at people with a refugee or migrant background who are currently receiving citizens' benefits. It is to be continued in November. [more]
published: 26.08.2024
Climate change and extreme weather conditions pose major challenges for water management. The JenaWasser special-purpose association is developing intelligent digital solutions for this in the InSchuKa research project and in collaboration with Hof University of Applied Sciences, among others. [more]
published: 18.07.2024
The new Competence and Transfer Center Sustainable Sponge Region (ktns) was recently launched. Prof. Günter Müller-Czygan, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems (inwa), explains its tasks in an interview. [more]
published: 27.11.2023
With the construction of the Center for Water and Energy Management (ZWE), a vision that was conceived 15 years ago by University President Prof. Lehmann and implemented step by step is coming to fruition. [more]
published: 09.11.2023
4 months ago, the newly founded Institute for Sustainable Water Systems (inwa) started its work. Prof. Günter Müller-Czygan, as spokesman of the "inwa", provides information about the state of development and first projects. [more]
published: 26.07.2023
The Freiheitshalle in Hof will be the meeting place for decision-makers in the water industry from April 26 to 27, 2023. The DVGW regional groups of Central Germany and Bavaria invite to the expert forum with accompanying trade exhibition for the fourth time - with the Institute for Water and Energy Management of the Hof University of Applied Sciences (iwe). [more]
published: 03.03.2023
With a program that has now been launched, Hof University of Applied Sciences wants to make it possible for small and medium-sized companies throughout Bavaria to recruit skilled workers free of charge with the help of digital recruiting and marketing measures [more]
published: 31.05.2022
Every year, 4 kg of trace substances are discharged into our waters per inhabitant. The S3Rem innovation network is addressing precisely this problem. [more]
published: 23.02.2022
In large parts of the world, water is extracted from ground or surface waters to meet the population's water needs. However, these water resources are not available in unlimited quantities. A wastewater reuse project at Hof University of Applied Sciences is addressing this issue. [more]
published: 15.02.2022
With a new master's degree program on sustainable water management, Hof University of Applied Sciences will be offering a qualification starting in the winter semester of 2021/22 that combines management and technical skills in a unique way, while also integrating the topics of sustainability and digitalization [more]
published: 16.02.2021