Hof University of Applied Sciences regularly supports schools in the region by providing hardware on loan for teaching purposes. Prof. Dr. René Peinl, Head of the Institute for Information Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iisys), has now handed over a total of five VR glasses and accessories to the Schiller-Gymnasium in Hof. They are intended to enable pupils to learn within virtual reality.

Bastian Schatz, computer science teacher at Schiller-Gymnasium, accepted the devices together with senior principal Dr. Anke Emminger. According to Bastian Schatz, the Oculus Quest 2 goggles will primarily be used for teaching in the proseminars of the upper school and will further promote digitally supported teaching.
Contemporary learning naturally also includes experiences and insights into the field of virtual reality, which is already an integral part of many people’s everyday working lives. The VR glasses we have now received are of course extremely helpful in preparing our pupils for this. I am sure that they will be very well received in the classroom.”
Dr. Anke Emminger, Principal of Schiller-Gymnasium Hof;
With the loan, Hof University of Applied Sciences is further intensifying its long-standing collaboration with the school: “At the same time, the upper school students will visit us on site at the university and I will also come to give lectures in the classroom,” says Prof. Dr. René Peinl about the further collaboration. The cooperation between the university and Schiller-Gymnasium is also set to continue beyond this.