After three years of successful work at iisys, the now newly elected Vice President for Research and Development at Hof University of Applied Sciences – Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk – handed over the scientific leadership to Prof. Dr. René Peinl and Prof. Dr. Jörg Scheidt during a ceremony. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann, President of Hof University of Applied Sciences, symbolically handed over the key of the iisys today: “We do not need to hide. We as a university of applied sciences are building bridges to research”.
I would like to remove the stones for the colleagues!
Prof. Dr. René Peinl
He thanked the outgoing scientific director Prof. Dr. Plenk and praised his excellent work: “The university needs committed people like you”. Currently, he said, the university is benefiting not only from the high-tech agenda of the Bavarian state, but also from increasing third-party funding from research colleagues: This involves money raised for projects by the federal government, the Bavarian state or other donors.

The new scientific director, Prof. Dr. Peinl, wants to be a moderator between the university management, the faculties and researching colleagues: “For the colleagues, I want to remove the obstacles so that they can do research,” says Peinl. He himself would like to push the topic of artificial intelligence further: “We will still perceive AI as having a formative influence on society in twenty years’ time.” In his estimation, this is not the usual rapid hype as with other IT topics.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Valentin Plenk will remain with iisys as research group leader.