Climate change is – on many levels – one of the greatest challenges of our time. In order to enable future decision-makers to appropriately evaluate complex environmental, climate and energy law content, Hof University of Applied Sciences will offer the new master’s program “Sustainability Law” starting in the summer semester of 2023. This will train dedicated and multi-layered qualified business lawyers who, among other things, will be able to develop sustainability strategies for their organizations, assess them legally and accompany necessary transformation processes.

“Our society is challenged to develop solutions to slow climate change and manage its consequences in a just, defensible way. This entails profound changes for companies and government institutions, whether at the legal-regulatory level or in the area of management,” says Prof. Dr. Jens Kirchner, Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Hof University of Applied Sciences, explaining the approach of the new degree program.
Specialized knowledge required
Accordingly, business and politics today need to evaluate complex environmental, climate and energy law content in a comprehensive context in order to be able to implement well-founded and practical solutions. “Business lawyers with special knowledge of sustainability law are therefore increasingly in demand in order to help develop and actively support the necessary change processes,” says Prof. Dr. Kirchner. It is precisely those who are to be trained at Hof University of Applied Sciences from the summer semester of 2023.
Critical thinking required
The study concept of the new master’s program “Sustainability Law” is aligned with the pillars of sustainable development: “The focus is on people, the economy and the environment. The focus in terms of content is on the legal-regulatory framework necessary to meet the challenges of our time and to legally shape a sustainable future,” explains Dean Prof. Kirchner. The master’s program is designed to provide students with the necessary legal and business know-how as well as professional, methodological and personal skills.
Critical thinking and the assumption of personal responsibility are also required: “Studying with us enables students to question courses of action, recognize problems, evaluate them through acquired knowledge and apply this knowledge in dealing with challenges in business and society.” The practice-oriented education enables students to understand the diverse interrelationships between law and related disciplines and to develop practice-relevant solutions in interdisciplinary teams
What makes the program unique in Germany is that students not only acquire the necessary legal skills in the field of climate, environment and energy, but also project management skills beyond that, so that they can be immediately employed by their future employer.”
Prof. Dr. Martin Wachovius, Director of Studies

With in-depth knowledge and skills in the fields of climate law as well as energy and environmental law, graduates will later be able to pursue challenging careers in companies in the energy industry, in the field of renewable energies, in management consultancies or in politics and administration. The possible job profiles are very diverse:
- Management consultant
- Sustainability manager
- Energy manager
- Corporate lawyer
- CSR Manager:in
- Climate protection manager
- Project manager:in in the field of renewable energies
Qualified corporate lawyers are in demand in companies in various economic sectors (e.g. energy, automotive, finance, insurance, logistics, etc.), in non-profit organizations, in politics or in the higher civil service at federal, state and municipal authorities. With the LL.M. degree, graduates also acquire the prerequisites for access to senior service in government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels.
Admission requirements
Graduates with a first professional degree in law or administrative law (e.g. business law, administrative law, law, or similar) can apply for the program. The standard period of study is three semesters, and in future it will be possible to start in both the summer and winter semesters. Graduates of the new master’s program will receive the degree of “Master of Laws (LL.M.)”.
Apply now
The degree program “Sustainability Law” will start in the summer semester 2023 at Hof University of Applied Sciences. For more information….