A total of 19 participants gained further qualifications for tasks in the Bavarian water industry. The 15-week course is aimed specifically at people with a refugee or migrant background who are currently receiving citizens' benefits. It is to be continued in November. [more]
published: 26.08.2024
Climate change and extreme weather conditions pose major challenges for water management. The JenaWasser special-purpose association is developing intelligent digital solutions for this in the InSchuKa research project and in collaboration with Hof University of Applied Sciences, among others. [more]
published: 18.07.2024
The Institute for Sustainable Water Systems (inwa) aims to promote methodological expertise, for example in project management within research, and at the same time familiarize researchers with processes and partners at the university with a new format that is geared purely towards scientists from its own university. [more]
published: 22.03.2024