Today, Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the Bavarian universities of applied sciences start the winter semester and Hof University of Applied Sciences is celebrating an anniversary: Exactly 30 years ago, the first lectures in business administration took place at the newly founded university in the 1994/95 winter semester!
Today, we are welcoming around 1,000 first-year students to Hof Campus as part of our induction days for the winter semester 2024/25. Students in the higher semesters will start their courses on Monday, 07.10.2024. [more]
published: 01.10.2024
Thanks to intensive preparations by numerous stakeholders, Hof University of Applied Sciences can once again welcome its first-semester students at the start of the 2024/25 winter semester with an extensive programme: Campuls-digital spoke to the main organizers, Anke Kaluza, Denise Bohrisch and Constanze Scheibl-Barnickel, about what the newcomers can expect. [more]
published: 30.09.2024
Are you a first semester student and already a little nervous about the new chapter in your life? No problem - with the following tips for starting your studies, you'll get off to a relaxed start! [more]
published: 26.09.2024
The 15th CONTACTA HochFranken has kicked off with the traditional opening event and a regional teacher training course at the Hof University of Applied Sciences. Around 1100 pupils from the region will be able to find out more at the training fair on Wednesday and Thursday. [more]
published: 25.09.2024
CONTACTA HochFranken traditionally kicks off on the day before the trade fair opens with the regional teacher training course. Prof. Dr. med. Michael Frey, Professor of Biopsychosocial Medicine, will speak about "Mental abnormalities in young people at school and in training".
In an interview beforehand, Prof. Frey talks about the most important content of his lecture, why this topic is so relevant today and how teachers, parents and trainers can provide targeted support. [more]
published: 24.09.2024
For the first time this year, the city of Hof is organizing an evening party to welcome our new students of the winter semester 2023/24 to their city of study. The Managing Director of Hof City Marketing, Carsten Reichel, provides you with all the necessary information in an interview with "campuls-digital"! [more]
published: 23.09.2024
Change at the top of "Einstein1": The 36-year-old Werner Fugmann, a graduate industrial engineer and project manager, is taking over the position of Managing Director from Thomas Schott, who has had to leave for health reasons. [more]
published: 20.09.2024
The autonomous shuttles that previously operated in Hof, Kronach, Bad Steben and Rehau will disappear from the cityscape there - at least temporarily. After more than four successful years, the "Shuttle Model Region Upper Franconia" (SMO) will be completed on schedule at the end of September. [more]
published: 19.09.2024
The SMD University Group Hof invites you to a public lecture. Prof. Dr. Peter Imming from the University of Halle will be giving a lecture entitled "Drugs and God: paradises in this world and beyond - a pharmaceutical view of this society's means of escape". [more]
published: 18.09.2024
Hof University of Applied Sciences regularly supports schools in the region by providing hardware on loan for teaching purposes. Prof. Dr. René Peinl, Head of the Institute for Information Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iisys), has now handed over a total of five VR glasses and accessories to the Schiller-Gymnasium in Hof. [more]
published: 17.09.2024
On Wednesday, October 9 (9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.), Hof University of Applied Sciences and FINSOZ e.V. are hosting an on-site networking and information event on the topic of telematics infrastructure (TI) at the Digital Start-up Center Einstein1.
The regional symposium is offered by pulsnetz MuTiG and provides information on the aspects that need to be considered during implementation, the advantages of the TI and why service providers benefit above all from a regional network. [more]
published: 16.09.2024
Starting signal for two new trainees at Hof University of Applied Sciences: Julia Köchert and Finn-Oliver Scheibe were warmly welcomed by the Chancellor, HR department and their training managers Kerstin Simanski and Monika Motaczyńska. At the university, the two can expect to gain insights into many exciting areas. For their part, the young talents also bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to enrich the university and their new teams. [more]
published: 05.09.2024
At eye level in the future: Why the partnership with Latin America is so important for the EU “The Europe Forum at Hof University of Applied Sciences has established itself… [more]
published: 02.09.2024
With the presentation of the corresponding certificate, Prof. Dr. Ronald Hechtfischer has now been bid farewell by University President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Lehmann. Born in Hof, he had held the Chair of Corporate Management in the Faculty of Engineering since 1998. He was also the founding chairman of the university's alumni association for many years. [more]
published: 30.08.2024
The Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology (iwe) and the Competence Network Water and Energy e.V. cordially invite you to the 5th Hof Energy Symposium at Hof University of Applied Sciences on September 26, 2024. Participants can expect an extensive program of lectures and networking opportunities as well as an integrated trade and poster exhibition. [more]
published: 27.08.2024
The 4th Hof Water Symposium will take place on October 15 and 16, 2024. The focus will be on securing both global and regional water supplies. Speakers include singer and water activist Rolf Stahlhofen ("Söhne Mannheims"). [more]
published: 26.08.2024
A total of 19 participants gained further qualifications for tasks in the Bavarian water industry. The 15-week course is aimed specifically at people with a refugee or migrant background who are currently receiving citizens' benefits. It is to be continued in November. [more]
published: 26.08.2024
A new round of city lectures at Hof University of Applied Sciences is getting underway: the successful format, which began in Hof in the student café, is now touring another university location, the Selb learning center. [more]
published: 19.08.2024