Künstliche Intelligenz

5. Institute colloquium: Six exciting projects and a real “hat trick”

The Institute Colloquium at Hof University was established five years ago with the aim of improving networking between the research institutes at Hof University and promoting scientific exchange. This year's new edition was all about sustainability, innovation and the transfer of knowledge into practice. [more]

published: 14.11.2024

European Management Institute celebrates its 20th birthday: AI as a creative problem solver

The European Management Institute e.V. (EMI) at Hof University of Applied Sciences celebrated its 20th birthday with a festive event on the premises of the Institute for Information Systems (iisys). Founded in 2004 by professors from Hof University of Applied Sciences and companies, the institute has since promoted science and research, training and further education and is also committed to international cooperation. [more]

published: 14.10.2024

New AI Act of European Union aims to create trust in technology

The European Union recently adopted uniform rules for the use of artificial intelligence - and hopes to set a global standard. At the invitation of Hof University of Applied Sciences, Laura Jugel, legal advisor to the EU Commission, spoke to researchers and students about the new AI law, which she herself played a key role in drafting. [more]

published: 28.06.2024

Hof University creates virtual time travel through the Fichtelgebirge region

The "Timetravel Fichtelgebirge" project, launched in 2023, will bring regional history back to life at the Fichtelgebirgsmuseum Wunsiedel: From fall 2024, visitors will be able to take a virtual journey through time to identity-forming places, famous personalities and thematic identity anchors in the Fichtelgebirge. The museum thus links past and present, real objects and virtual applications and conveys local culture and regional identity. [more]

published: 24.05.2024

New possibilities: Companies can benefit from AI user center at iisys

The modern world is becoming increasingly complex, and humans need ever better support from computers to deal with the wealth of information. The Institute for Information Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iisys) is now founding an AI user center that will also benefit companies in the future. [more]

published: 15.10.2021