Lively exchange of young researchers at Hof University of Applied Sciences

The aim of the 2nd Institute Colloquium between the approximately 70 participating scientists was to improve networking and to promote scientific exchange among each other. Thus, not only the interdisciplinary cohesion should be strengthened, but also cross-institutional discussions should take place [more]

published: 28.09.2021

Study at iisys: Why emails are still not secure today

In a study, the SNS research group at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) looked at a now older communication medium: email. The aim was to find out how user-friendly certain apps for email encryption are on smartphones and where the hurdles to secure encryption lie [more]

published: 23.09.2021

Welcome to the freshmen days for the winter semester 2021

The University of Applied Sciences cordially invites all first-year Bachelor students of the winter semester 2021/22 to the First Semester Days 2021. These will take place in attendance on Thursday, 30.09. and Friday, 01.10.2021 in compliance with the hygiene concept at the Hof campus. [more]

published: 20.09.2021

Award: Jürgen Rubitzko receives DAL Award for Digitization of Teaching

Hof University of Applied Sciences is driving forward the digitization of administration and teaching. It is actively supported by the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule Hof e.V. (Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University), which annually honors particularly innovative and digitally affine teachers with the "Digitaler Aufbruch der Lehre (DAL)" award [more]

published: 16.09.2021

“Moonrise” project launched: Innovative IT solutions for the work of the future

With a kick-off event at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys), a large-scale research project will start at Hof University of Applied Sciences on Wednesday (15.09.2021). It deals with the development of production-related IT systems for the region and thus aims to influence digitization processes in the working world of the future. [more]

published: 13.09.2021