With the ceremonial start of the new course of studies "Design and Mobility", Hof University of Applied Sciences has opened its new place of learning in Selb. The 16 first students and numerous guests of honor attended the official kick-off in Selb's Rosenthal Theater [more]
published: 04.10.2021
The first students of the new Innovative Healthcare program have now been welcomed to their new place of work in Kronach. The Lucas Cranach Campus Foundation had invited to a kick-off event in the Kühnlenzpassage Kronach [more]
published: 02.10.2021
The Hof University of Applied Sciences starts the winter semester 2021/22 with more than 900 first-semester students, thus continuing its growth course. A total of around 3,800 students are now enrolled at the Hof, Münchberg, Kronach and Selb campuses (plus 5.5%). This is the highest level since the university was founded [more]
published: 01.10.2021
The winter semester has begun at Hof University of Applied Sciences with a record number of students. Unfortunately, a number of international students are still looking for permanent accommodation. They are actively supported by the Hof University of Applied Sciences. [more]
published: 01.10.2021
Covid19 brings together Hof University of Applied Sciences and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. For the first time, both educational institutions will offer a joint course for their students from October to January 2022 [more]
published: 29.09.2021
The aim of the 2nd Institute Colloquium between the approximately 70 participating scientists was to improve networking and to promote scientific exchange among each other. Thus, not only the interdisciplinary cohesion should be strengthened, but also cross-institutional discussions should take place [more]
published: 28.09.2021
Last year, the Upper Franconia-wide network of "MUT - Girls and Technology" celebrated two premieres: For the first time, a vacation event took place online. And for the first time, there was a joint event of all four MUT locations. This year, the program will be expanded [more]
published: 27.09.2021
Recently, several new lecturers have started their work at Hof University of Applied Sciences. We introduce them here in short form. [more]
published: 27.09.2021
In a study, the SNS research group at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) looked at a now older communication medium: email. The aim was to find out how user-friendly certain apps for email encryption are on smartphones and where the hurdles to secure encryption lie [more]
published: 23.09.2021
The University of Applied Sciences cordially invites all first-year Bachelor students of the winter semester 2021/22 to the First Semester Days 2021. These will take place in attendance on Thursday, 30.09. and Friday, 01.10.2021 in compliance with the hygiene concept at the Hof campus. [more]
published: 20.09.2021
Of course, the Hof University of Applied Sciences also joined the long list of well-wishers on this occasion. University President Prof. Lehmann now handed over a 3D model of the famous sausage seller that was specially made in the university's MakerSpace. [more]
published: 20.09.2021
Just a few years after its own founding, the digital startup center "Einstein1" on the campus of Hof University of Applied Sciences can look back on a number of successful startups in a wide variety of fields. Now, two satisfied young entrepreneurs wanted to give something back to the institution and thus thank the Einstein1 staff [more]
published: 17.09.2021
Hof University of Applied Sciences is driving forward the digitization of administration and teaching. It is actively supported by the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule Hof e.V. (Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University), which annually honors particularly innovative and digitally affine teachers with the "Digitaler Aufbruch der Lehre (DAL)" award [more]
published: 16.09.2021
The Upper Franconian networks SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT bring the non-profit organization STARTUP TEENS to the region to make the topic of business start-ups and coding tangible for the students in Upper Franconia. [more]
published: 16.09.2021
The research project "Sewage Sludge Monitor Bavaria" at iwe has been completed. The aim of the project was to determine the current status and requirements for sewage sludge disposal and recycling at Bavarian municipalities. [more]
published: 14.09.2021
Since May 2021, the "Water Infrastructure and Digitization" research group at the iwe has been working on a topic relevant to agriculture: the aim is to investigate how agriculture affects the water balance. [more]
published: 14.09.2021
With a kick-off event at the Institute for Information Systems (iisys), a large-scale research project will start at Hof University of Applied Sciences on Wednesday (15.09.2021). It deals with the development of production-related IT systems for the region and thus aims to influence digitization processes in the working world of the future. [more]
published: 13.09.2021
Another 3D printer has now been delivered to the MakerSpace. The reason for this is quite simple: Despite the pandemic, the demand for 3D printing has risen steadily since the MakerSpace opened in December 2020 [more]
published: 09.09.2021