Storytelling and UX Design: Prof. Diedrich comes to Hof University

Prof. Norbert Diedrich, an expert in interactive media and communication design, will join Hof University of Applied Sciences in the winter semester of 2021/22. He will take over the teaching area "Conception and Design of Digital Narratives". We talked to him about this exciting field. [more]

published: 08.09.2021

Hof University participates in renowned textile conference in India

The "Innovations in Textiles - Products and Processes ITPP-21", a renowned conference on innovative developments in the global textile sector, was again organized by the DKTE Society's Textile & Engineering Institute in Ichalkaranji (India) - once again with the participation of Hof University of Applied Sciences. [more]

published: 06.09.2021

New Bachelor in “Innovative health care” moves into Kronach Sparkasse building

In just five weeks, the Hof University of Applied Sciences' new bachelor's degree program, Innovative Healthcare, will start at the Lucas Cranach Campus in Kronach. The original idea was to accommodate the new students in the Kühnlenz area. But availability of the rooms by fall 2021? Unthinkable. Now a new solution is waiting in the wings on Kulmbacher Strasse. [more]

published: 31.08.2021

Major project in Schwarzenbach: Innovative energy system for Winterling site

The 40,000 square meter Winterling site in Schwarzenbach/Saale is to be given an innovative energy supply system and thus a further incentive for potential tenants. The Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iwe) is currently planning the entire factory complex of the former porcelain manufacturer. [more]

published: 16.08.2021

Ibp expands research capacities: New recycling plant goes into operation

With the commissioning of a new plastics recycling plant, the Institute for Applied Biopolymer Research (ibp) at Hof University of Applied Sciences gains a facility that supports the university's mission statement with regard to intelligent resource use and the guiding principle of a Green Tech University [more]

published: 09.08.2021