Prof. Norbert Diedrich, an expert in interactive media and communication design, will join Hof University of Applied Sciences in the winter semester of 2021/22. He will take over the teaching area "Conception and Design of Digital Narratives". We talked to him about this exciting field. [more]
published: 08.09.2021
A remarkable ecosystem for founders has emerged at Hof University of Applied Sciences in recent years, and its initial successes are already visible. [more]
published: 06.09.2021
The "Innovations in Textiles - Products and Processes ITPP-21", a renowned conference on innovative developments in the global textile sector, was again organized by the DKTE Society's Textile & Engineering Institute in Ichalkaranji (India) - once again with the participation of Hof University of Applied Sciences. [more]
published: 06.09.2021
In just five weeks, the Hof University of Applied Sciences' new bachelor's degree program, Innovative Healthcare, will start at the Lucas Cranach Campus in Kronach. The original idea was to accommodate the new students in the Kühnlenz area. But availability of the rooms by fall 2021? Unthinkable. Now a new solution is waiting in the wings on Kulmbacher Strasse. [more]
published: 31.08.2021
10 students took part in the first student afternoon of the "Startup Teens" initiative in cooperation with the Upper Franconian "School Economy" networks. Together they explored the "MakerSpace", the workshop for tinkerers and inventors at Hof University of Applied Sciences [more]
published: 19.08.2021
The 40,000 square meter Winterling site in Schwarzenbach/Saale is to be given an innovative energy supply system and thus a further incentive for potential tenants. The Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iwe) is currently planning the entire factory complex of the former porcelain manufacturer. [more]
published: 16.08.2021
The local textile industry is characterized by a large number of small and medium-sized companies. Supporting them on their way to a successful future is the goal of a project at the Münchberg campus of Hof University of Applied Sciences [more]
published: 16.08.2021
Due to the pandemic, the event was held online for the first time this year. The interest in the textile-technical courses offered by Hof University of Applied Sciences was unexpectedly high. [more]
published: 11.08.2021
In April, Hof University of Applied Sciences launched a project that focuses on research into rare diseases. The Hof University of Applied Sciences is now looking for people affected by rare diseases or their relatives. [more]
published: 11.08.2021
With the commissioning of a new plastics recycling plant, the Institute for Applied Biopolymer Research (ibp) at Hof University of Applied Sciences gains a facility that supports the university's mission statement with regard to intelligent resource use and the guiding principle of a Green Tech University [more]
published: 09.08.2021
Already in 1996, only two years after its foundation, Carolin Mück, a native of Hof, came to Hof University of Applied Sciences [more]
published: 04.08.2021
In the winter semester of 2021/22, the new Design & Mobility course will start at the Selb learning center, focusing on the future of transportation. With Lutz Fügener, Professor of Transportation Design and 3D Design, one of the leading minds in his field is now moving to Upper Franconia. [more]
published: 04.08.2021
The topics at the conference of the chancellors of Bavarian universities of applied sciences are traditionally diverse. Now, at the invitation of Dagmar Pechstein, Chancellor of Hof University of Applied Sciences, the group met for the two-day annual conference in the Saale city. [more]
published: 03.08.2021
Exam time is harvest time for students. The same is true in a very practical and tangible way for participants in the "Practical Beekeeping" course, which has been offered on campus since 2019 as a contribution to nature conservation: In July, the first honeycombs have now been capped and spun [more]
published: 30.07.2021
The non-profit association "Moodle at Universities" was founded by 29 German universities in a joint video conference on July 22, 2021. Dr. Heiko Schoberth, head of the "IT & Projects" department at Hof University of Applied Sciences, was elected to the board [more]
published: 29.07.2021
In its meeting on July 27, 2021, the Bavarian Cabinet paved the way for more classroom teaching at Bavarian universities [more]
published: 27.07.2021
A pillar of teaching at Hof University of Applied Sciences is beginning a new chapter in his life: Prof. Dr. Hans Schmidt, long-time chairman of the university senate, has been given a well-deserved retirement [more]
published: 26.07.2021
With the new application, Hof University of Applied Sciences is introducing an intuitive and application-oriented form of examination for digital tests from the winter semester onwards, which brings with it many practical advantages. Planning, execution and archiving should thus be significantly simplified [more]
published: 26.07.2021