
Digital Award winners honored with permanent exhibition

Hof University of Applied Sciences set out early on to advance the digitization of administration and teaching. It is supported in this by the Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule Hof e.V. (Society of Friends and Sponsors of Hof University), which for the past three years has honored particularly innovative and digitally affine teachers with the "Digitaler Aufbruch der Lehre" award. Now, a prominently placed permanent exhibition of analog and digital components shows the idea behind the competition as well as the achievements of the award winners in the digitization of teaching. [more]

published: 05.11.2020

New weaving machine expands opportunities for design students

The design students at the Münchberg Campus have recently been provided with new paths within the weaving mill. The reason for this is a new acquisition that recently went into operation: A weaving machine from Lindauer Dornier GmbH with a Jacquard machine from Stäubli has been on campus since September [more]

published: 02.10.2020

Gardens of the future: exploring nature digitally – with the Hof Botanical Garden

n the seminars "Interaction & Information Design" and "Storytelling" with Prof. Michael Zöllner and Igor Fürnberg, a variety of media works were created: For example, stations in the Botanical Garden are explained via an augmented reality app. In "dataGarden" sensor data of plants and their environment are collected, processed and visualized. An interactive and informative virtual reality story stages scenarios of astrobotany. [more]

published: 30.09.2020